Putting Several Event Types in the Same Topic – Revisited

The following post originally appeared in the Confluent blog on July 8, 2020.

In the article Should You Put Several Event Types in the Same Kafka Topic?, Martin Kleppmann discusses when to combine several event types in the same topic and introduces new subject name strategies for determining how Confluent Schema Registry should be used when producing events to an Apache Kafka® topic.

Schema Registry now supports schema references in Confluent Platform 5.5, and this blog post presents an alternative means of putting several event types in the same topic using schema references, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

Constructs and constraints

Apache Kafka, which is an event streaming platform, can also act as a system of record or a datastore, as seen with ksqlDB. Datastores are composed of constructs and constraints. For example, in a relational database, the constructs are tables and rows, while the constraints include primary key constraints and referential integrity constraints. Kafka does not impose constraints on the structure of data, leaving that role to Confluent Schema Registry. Below are some constructs when using both Kafka and Schema Registry:

  • Message: a data item that is made up of a key (optional) and value
  • Topic: a collection of messages, where ordering is maintained for those messages with the same key (via underlying partitions)
  • Schema (or event type): a description of how data should be structured
  • Subject: a named, ordered history of schema versions

The following are some constraints that are maintained when using both Kafka and Schema Registry:

  • Schema-message constraints: A schema constrains the structure of the message. The key and value are typically associated with different schemas. The association between a schema and the key or value is embedded in the serialized form of the key or value.
  • Subject-schema constraints: A subject constrains the ordered history of schema versions, also known as the evolution of the schema. This constraint is called a compatibility level. The compatibility level is stored in Schema Registry along with the history of schema versions.
  • Subject-topic constraints: When using the default TopicNameStrategy, a subject can constrain the collection of messages in a topic. The association between the subject and the topic is by convention, where the subject name is {topic}-key for the message key and {topic}-value for the message value.

Using Apache Avro™ unions before schema references

As mentioned, the default subject name strategy, TopicNameStrategy, uses the topic name to determine the subject to be used for schema lookups, which helps to enforce subject-topic constraints. The newer subject-name strategies, RecordNameStrategy and TopicRecordNameStrategy, use the record name (along with the topic name for the latter strategy) to determine the subject to be used for schema lookups. Before these newer subject-name strategies were introduced, there were two options for storing multiple event types in the same topic:

  • Disable subject-schema constraints by setting the compatibility level of a subject to NONE and allowing any schema to be saved in the subject, regardless of compatibility
  • Use an Avro union

The second option of using an Avro union was preferred, but still had the following issues:

  • The resulting Avro union could become unwieldy
  • It was difficult to independently evolve the event types contained within the Avro union

By using either RecordNameStrategy or TopicRecordNameStrategy, you retain subject-schema constraints, eliminate the need for an Avro union, and gain the ability to evolve types independently. However, you lose subject-topic constraints, as now there is no constraint on the event types that can be stored in the topic, which means the set of event types in the topic can grow unbounded.

Using Avro unions with schema references

Introduced in Confluent Platform 5.5, a schema reference is comprised of:

  • A reference name: part of the schema that refers to an entirely separate schema
  • A subject and version: used to identify and look up the referenced schema

When registering a schema to Schema Registry, an optional set of references can be specified, such as this Avro union containing reference names:


When registering this schema to Schema Registry, an array of reference versions is also sent, which might look like the following:

    "name": "io.confluent.examples.avro.Customer",
    "subject": "customer",
    "version": 1
    "name": "io.confluent.examples.avro.Product",
    "subject": "product",
    "version": 1
    "name": "io.confluent.examples.avro.Order",
    "subject": "order",
    "version": 1

As you can see, the Avro union is no longer unwieldy. It is just a list of event types that will be sent to a topic. The event types can evolve independently, similar to when using RecordNameStrategy and TopicRecordNameStrategy. Plus, you regain subject-topic constraints, which were missing when using the newer subject name strategies.

However, in order to take advantage of these newfound gains, you need to configure your serializers a little differently. This has to do with the fact that when an Avro object is serialized, the schema associated with the object is not the Avro union, but just the event type contained within the union. When the Avro serializer is given the Avro object, it will either try to register the event type as a newer schema version than the union (if auto.register.schemas is true), or try to find the event type in the subject (if auto.register.schemas is false), which will fail. Instead, you want the Avro serializer to use the Avro union for serialization and not the event type. In order to accomplish this, set these two configuration properties on the Avro serializer:

  • auto.register.schemas=false
  • use.latest.version=true

Setting auto.register.schemas to false disables automatic registration of the event type, so that it does not override the union as the latest schema in the subject. Setting use.latest.version to true causes the Avro serializer to look up the latest schema version in the subject (which will be the union) and use that for serialization; otherwise, if set to false, the serializer will look for the event type in the subject and fail to find it.

Using JSON Schema and Protobuf with schema references

Now that Confluent Platform supports both JSON Schema and Protobuf, both RecordNameStrategy and TopicRecordNameStrategy can be used with these newer schema formats as well. In the case of JSON Schema, the equivalent of the name of the Avro record is the title of the JSON object. In the case of Protobuf, the equivalent is the name of the Protobuf message.

Also like Avro, instead of using the newer subject-name strategies to combine multiple event types in the same topic, you can use unions. The Avro union from the previous section can also be modeled in JSON Schema, where it is referred to as a "oneof":

  "oneOf": [
     { "$ref": "Customer.schema.json" },
     { "$ref": "Product.schema.json" },
     { "$ref": "Order.schema.json }

In the above schema, the array of reference versions that would be sent might look like this:

    "name": "Customer.schema.json",
    "subject": "customer",
    "version": 1
    "name": "Product.schema.json",
    "subject": "product",
    "version": 1
    "name": "Order.schema.json",
    "subject": "order",
    "version": 1

As with Avro, automatic registration of JSON schemas that contain a top-level oneof won’t work, so you should configure the JSON Schema serializer in the same manner as the Avro serializer, with auto.register.schemas set to false and use.latest.version set to true, as described in the previous section.

In Protobuf, top-level oneofs are not permitted, so you need to wrap the oneof in a message:

syntax = "proto3";

package io.confluent.examples.proto;

import "Customer.proto";
import "Product.proto";
import "Order.proto";

message AllTypes {
    oneof oneof_type {
        Customer customer = 1;
        Product product = 2;
        Order order = 3;

Here are the corresponding reference versions that could be sent with the above schema:

    "name": "Customer.proto",
    "subject": "customer",
    "version": 1
    "name": "Product.proto",
    "subject": "product",
    "version": 1
    "name": "Order.proto",
    "subject": "order",
    "version": 1

One advantage of wrapping the oneof with a message is that automatic registration of the top-level schema will work properly. In the case of Protobuf, all referenced schemas will also be auto registered, recursively.

You can do something similar with Avro by wrapping the union with an Avro record:

 "type": "record",
 "namespace": "io.confluent.examples.avro",
 "name": "AllTypes",
 "fields": [
     "name": "oneof_type",
     "type": [

This extra level of indirection allows automatic registration of the top-level Avro schema to work properly. However, unlike Protobuf, with Avro, the referenced schemas still need to be registered manually beforehand, as the Avro object does not have the necessary information to allow referenced schemas to be automatically registered.

Wrapping a oneof with a JSON object won’t work with JSON Schema, since a POJO being serialized to JSON doesn’t have the requisite metadata. Instead, optionally annotate the POJO with a @Schema annotation to provide the complete top-level JSON Schema to be used for both automatic registration and serialization. As with Avro, and unlike Protobuf, referenced schemas need to be registered manually beforehand.

Getting started with schema references

Schema references are a means of modularizing a schema and its dependencies. While this article shows how to use them with unions, they can be used more generally to model the following:

  • Nested records in Avro
  • import statements in Protobuf
  • $ref statements in JSON Schema

As mentioned in the previous section, if you’re using Protobuf, the Protobuf serializer can automatically register the top-level schema and all referenced schemas, recursively, when given a Protobuf object. This is not possible with the Avro and JSON Schema serializers. With those schema formats, you must first manually register the referenced schemas and then the top-level schema. Manual registration can be accomplished with the REST APIs or with the Schema Registry Maven Plugin.

As an example of using the Schema Registry Maven Plugin, below are schemas specified for the subjects named all-types-value, customer, and product in a Maven POM.


Each reference can specify a name, subject, and version. If the version is omitted, as with the example above, and the referenced schema is also being registered at the same time, the referenced schema’s version will be used; otherwise, the latest version of the schema in the subject will be used.

Here is the content of AllTypes.avsc, which is a simple union:


Here is Customer.avsc, which contains a Customer record:

 "type": "record",
 "namespace": "io.confluent.examples.avro",
 "name": "Customer",

 "fields": [
     {"name": "customer_id", "type": "int"},
     {"name": "customer_name", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "customer_email", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "customer_address", "type": "string"}

And here is Product.avsc, which contains a Product record:

 "type": "record",
 "namespace": "io.confluent.examples.avro",
 "name": "Product",

 "fields": [
     {"name": "product_id", "type": "int"},
     {"name": "product_name", "type": "string"},
     {"name": "product_price", "type": "double"}

Next, register the schemas above using the following command:

mvn schema-registry:register

The above command will register referenced schemas before registering the schemas that depend on them. The output of the command will contain the ID of each schema that is registered. You can use the schema ID of the top-level schema with the console producer when producing data.

Next, use the console tools to try it out. First, start the Avro console consumer. Note that you should specify the topic name as all-types since the corresponding subject is all-types-value according to TopicNameStrategy.

./bin/kafka-avro-console-consumer --topic all-types --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

In a separate console, start the Avro console producer. Pass the ID of the top-level schema as the value of value.schema.id.

./bin/kafka-avro-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic all-types --property value.schema.id={id} --property auto.register=false --property use.latest.version=true

At the same command line as the producer, input the data below, which represent two different event types. The data should be wrapped with a JSON object that specifies the event type. This is how the Avro console producer expects data for unions to be represented in JSON.

{ "io.confluent.examples.avro.Product": { "product_id": 1, "product_name" : "rice", "product_price" : 100.00 } }
{ "io.confluent.examples.avro.Customer": { "customer_id": 100, "customer_name": "acme", "customer_email": "acme@google.com", "customer_address": "1 Main St" } }

The data will appear at the consumer. Congratulations, you’ve successfully sent two different event types to a topic! And unlike the newer subject name strategies, the union will prevent event types other than Product and Customer from being produced to the same topic, since the producer is configured with the default TopicNameStrategy.


Now there are two modular ways to store several event types in the same topic, both of which allow event types to evolve independently. The first, using the newer subject-name strategies, is straightforward but drops subject-topic constraints. The second, using unions (or oneofs) and schema references, maintains subject-topic constraints but adds further structure and drops automatic registration of schemas in the case of a top-level union or oneof.

If you’re interested in querying topics that combine multiple event types with ksqlDB, the second method, using a union (or oneof) is the only option. By maintaining subject-topic constraints, the method of using a union (or oneof) allows ksqlDB to deal with a bounded set of event types as defined by the union, instead of a potentially unbounded set. Modeling a union (also known as a sum type) by a relational table is a solved problem, and equivalent functionality will most likely land in ksqlDB in the future.

Putting Several Event Types in the Same Topic – Revisited

Playing Chess with Confluent Schema Registry

Previously, the Confluent Schema Registry only allowed you to manage Avro schemas. With Confluent Platform 5.5, the schema management within Schema Registry has been made pluggable, so that custom schema types can be added. In addition, schema plugins have been developed for both Protobuf and JSON Schema.

Now Schema Registry has two main extension points:

  1. REST Extensions
  2. Schema Plugins

In reality, the schema management within Schema Registry is really just a versioned history mechanism, with specific rules for how versions can evolve. To demonstrate both of the above extension points, I’ll show how Confluent Schema Registry can be turned into a full-fledged chess engine.1

A Schema Plugin for Chess

A game of chess is also a versioned history. In this case, it is a history of chess moves. The rules of chess determine whether a move can be applied to a given version of the game.

To represent a version of a game of chess, I’ll use Portable Game Notation (PGN), a format in which moves are described using algebraic notation.

However, when registering a new version, we won’t require that the client send the entire board position represented as PGN. Instead, the client will only need to send the latest move. When the schema plugin receives the latest move, it will retrieve the current version of the game, check if the move is compatible with the current board position, and only then apply the move. The new board position will be saved in PGN format as the current version.

So far, this would allow the client to switch between making moves for white and making moves for black. To turn Schema Registry into a chess engine, after the schema plugin applies a valid move from the client, it will generate a move for the opposing color and apply that move as well.

In order to take back a move, the client just needs to delete the latest version of the game, and then make a new move. The new move will be applied to the latest version of the game that is not deleted.

Finally, in order to allow the client to play a game of chess with the black pieces, the client will send a special move of the form {player as black}. This is a valid comment in PGN format. When this special move is received, the schema plugin will simply generate a move for white and save that as the first version.

Let’s try it out. Assuming that the chess schema plugin has been built and placed on the CLASSPATH for the Schema Registry2, the following properties need to be added to schema-registry.properties3


The above properties not only configure the chess schema plugin, but also the chess resource extension that will be used in the next section. Once Schema Registry is up, you can verify that the chess schema plugin was registered.

$ curl http://localhost:8081/schemas/types

Let’s make the move d4.

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json" \
  --data '{"schema": "d4", "schemaType": "CHESS"}'  \

Schema Registry returns the ID of the new version. Let’s examine what the version actually looks like.

$ curl http://localhost:8081/subjects/newgame/versions/latest
  "subject": "newgame",
  "version": 1,
  "id": 1,
  "schemaType": "CHESS",
  "schema": "1.d4 d5"

Schema Registry replied with the move d5.

We can continue playing chess with Schema Registry in this fashion, but of course it isn’t the best user experience. Let’s see if a REST extension will help.

A REST Extension for Chess

A single-page application (SPA) with an actual chess board as the interface would provide a much better experience. Therefore, I’ve created a REST Extension that wraps a Vue.js SPA for playing chess. When the user makes a move on the chess board, the SPA sends the move to Schema Registry, retrieves the new board position, determines the last move played by the computer opponent, and makes that move on the board as well.

With the REST extension configured as described in the previous section, you can navigate to http://localhost:8081/index.html to see the chess engine UI presented by the REST extension. When playing a chess game, the game history will appear below the chess board, showing how the board position evolves over time.

Here is an example of the REST extension in action.

As you can see, schema plugins in conjunction with REST extensions can provide a powerful combination. Hopefully, you are now inspired to customize Confluent Schema Registry in new and creative ways. Have fun!

Playing Chess with Confluent Schema Registry

Building A Graph Database Using Kafka

I previously showed how to build a relational database using Kafka. This time I’ll show how to build a graph database using Kafka. Just as with KarelDB, at the heart of our graph database will be the embedded key-value store, KCache.

Kafka as a Graph Database

The graph database that I’m most familiar with is HGraphDB, a graph database that uses HBase as its backend. More specifically, it uses the HBase client API, which allows it to integrate with not only HBase, but also any other data store that implements the HBase client API, such as Google BigTable. This leads to an idea. Rather than trying to build a new graph database around KCache entirely from scratch, we can try to wrap KCache with the HBase client API.

HBase is an example of a wide column store, also known as an extensible record store. Like its predecessor BigTable, it allows any number of column values to be associated with a key, without requiring a schema. For this reason, a wide column store can also be seen as two-dimensional key-value store.1

I’ve implemented KStore as a wide column store (or extensible record store) abstraction for Kafka that relies on KCache under the covers. KStore implements the HBase client API, so it can be used wherever the HBase client API is supported.

Let’s try to use KStore with HGraphDB. After installing and starting the Gremlin console, we install KStore and HGraphDB.

$ ./bin/gremlin.sh

         (o o)
plugin activated: tinkerpop.server
plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities
plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph

gremlin> :install org.apache.hbase hbase-client 2.2.1
gremlin> :install org.apache.hbase hbase-common 2.2.1
gremlin> :install org.apache.hadoop hadoop-common 3.1.2
gremlin> :install io.kstore kstore 0.1.0
gremlin> :install io.hgraphdb hgraphdb 3.0.0
gremlin> :plugin use io.hgraphdb

After we restart the Gremlin console, we configure HGraphDB with the KStore connection class and the Kafka bootstrap servers.2 We can then issue Gremlin commands against Kafka.

$ ./bin/gremlin.sh

         (o o)
plugin activated: tinkerpop.server
plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities
plugin activated: io.hgraphdb
plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph

gremlin> cfg = new HBaseGraphConfiguration()\
......1> .set("hbase.client.connection.impl", "io.kstore.KafkaStoreConnection")\
......2> .set("kafkacache.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")

gremlin> graph = new HBaseGraph(cfg)

gremlin> g = graph.traversal()
==>graphtraversalsource[hbasegraph[hbasegraph], standard]

gremlin> v1 = g.addV('person').property('name','marko').next()

gremlin> v2 = g.addV('person').property('name','stephen').next()

gremlin> g.V(v1).addE('knows').to(v2).property('weight',2).iterate()

It works! HBaseGraph is now using Kafka as its storage backend.

Kafka as a Document Database

Now that we have a wide column store abstraction for Kafka in the form of KStore, let’s see what else we can do with it. Another database that uses the HBase client API is HDocDB, a document database for HBase. To use KStore with HDocDB, first we need to set hbase.client.connection.impl in our hbase-site.xml as follows.


Now we can issue MongoDB-like commands against Kafka, using HDocDB.3

$ jrunscript -cp <hbase-conf-dir>:target/hdocdb-1.0.1.jar:../kstore/target/kstore-0.1.0.jar -f target/classes/shell/hdocdb.js -f -

nashorn> db.mycoll.insert( { _id: "jdoe", first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe" } )

nashorn> var doc = db.mycoll.find( { last_name: "Doe" } )[0]

nashorn> print(doc)

nashorn> db.mycoll.update( { last_name: "Doe" }, { $set: { first_name: "Jim" } } )

nashorn> var doc = db.mycoll.find( { last_name: "Doe" } )[0]

nashorn> print(doc)

Pretty cool, right?

Kafka as a Wide Column Store

Of course, there is no requirement to wrap KStore with another layer in order to use it. KStore can be used directly as a wide column store abstraction on top of Kafka. I’ve integrated KStore with the HBase Shell so that one can work directly with KStore from the command line.

$ ./kstore-shell.sh localhost:9092

hbase(main):001:0> create 'test', 'cf'
Created table test
Took 0.2328 seconds
=> Hbase::Table - test

hbase(main):003:0* list
1 row(s)
Took 0.0192 seconds
=> ["test"]

hbase(main):004:0> put 'test', 'row1', 'cf:a', 'value1'
Took 0.1284 seconds

hbase(main):005:0> put 'test', 'row2', 'cf:b', 'value2'
Took 0.0113 seconds

hbase(main):006:0> put 'test', 'row3', 'cf:c', 'value3'
Took 0.0096 seconds

hbase(main):007:0> scan 'test'
ROW                                COLUMN+CELL
 row1                              column=cf:a, timestamp=1578763986780, value=value1
 row2                              column=cf:b, timestamp=1578763992567, value=value2
 row3                              column=cf:c, timestamp=1578763996677, value=value3
3 row(s)
Took 0.0233 seconds

hbase(main):008:0> get 'test', 'row1'
COLUMN                             CELL
 cf:a                              timestamp=1578763986780, value=value1
1 row(s)
Took 0.0106 seconds


There’s no limit to the type of fun one can have with KStore. 🙂

Back to Graphs

Getting back to graphs, another popular graph database is JanusGraph, which is interesting because it has a pluggable storage layer. Some of the storage backends that it supports through this layer are HBase, Cassandra, and BerkeleyDB.

Of course, KStore can be used in place of HBase when configuring JanusGraph. Again, it’s simply a matter of configuring the KStore connection class in the JanusGraph configuration.

storage.hbase.ext.hbase.client.connection.impl: io.kstore.KafkaStoreConnection
storage.hbase.ext.kafkacache.bootstrap.servers: localhost:9092

However, we can do better when integrating JanusGraph with Kafka. JanusGraph can be integrated with any storage backend that supports a wide column store abstraction. When integrating with key-value stores such as BerkeleyDB, JanusGraph provides its own adapter for mapping a key-value store to a wide column store. Thus we can simply provide KCache to JanusGraph as a key-value store, and it will perform the mapping to a wide column store abstraction for us automatically.

I’ve implemented a new storage plugin for JanusGraph called janusgraph-kafka that does exactly this. Let’s try it out. After following the instructions here, we can start the Gremlin console.

$ ./bin/gremlin.sh

         (o o)
plugin activated: tinkerpop.server
plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph
plugin activated: tinkerpop.hadoop
plugin activated: tinkerpop.spark
plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities
plugin activated: janusgraph.imports

gremlin>  graph = JanusGraphFactory.open('conf/janusgraph-kafka.properties')

gremlin> g = graph.traversal()
==>graphtraversalsource[standardjanusgraph[io.kcache.janusgraph.diskstorage.kafka.KafkaStoreManager:[]], standard]

gremlin> v1 = g.addV('person').property('name','marko').next()

gremlin> v2 = g.addV('person').property('name','stephen').next()

gremlin> g.V(v1).addE('knows').to(v2).property('weight',2).iterate()

Works like a charm.


In this and the previous post, I’ve shown how Kafka can be used as

I guess I could have titled this post “Building a Graph Database, Document Database, and Wide Column Store Using Kafka”, although that’s a bit long. In any case, hopefully I’ve shown that Kafka is a lot more versatile than most people realize.

Building A Graph Database Using Kafka

Building A Relational Database Using Kafka

In a previous post, I showed how Kafka can be used as the persistent storage for an embedded key-value store, called KCache. Once you have a key-value store, it can be used as the basis for other models such as documents, graphs, and even SQL. For example, CockroachDB is a SQL layer built on top of the RocksDB key-value store and YugaByteDB is both a document and SQL layer built on top of RocksDB. Other databases such as FoundationDB claim to be multi-model, because they support several types of models at once, using the key-value store as a foundation.

In this post I will show how KCache can be extended to implement a fully-functional relational database, called KarelDB1. In addition, I will show how today a database architecture can be assembled from existing open-source components, much like how web frameworks like Dropwizard came into being by assembling components such as a web server (Jetty), RESTful API framework (Jersey), JSON serialization framework (Jackson), and an object-relational mapping layer (JDBI or Hibernate).

Hello, KarelDB

Before I drill into the components that comprise KarelDB, first let me show you how to quickly get it up and running. To get started, download a release, unpack it, and then modify config/kareldb.properties to point to an existing Kafka broker. Then run the following:

$ bin/kareldb-start config/kareldb.properties

While KarelDB is still running, at a separate terminal, enter the following command to start up sqlline, a command-line utility for accessing JDBC databases.

$ bin/sqlline
sqlline version 1.8.0

sqlline> !connect jdbc:avatica:remote:url=http://localhost:8765 admin admin

sqlline> create table books (id int, name varchar, author varchar);
No rows affected (0.114 seconds)

sqlline> insert into books values (1, 'The Trial', 'Franz Kafka');
1 row affected (0.576 seconds)

sqlline> select * from books;
| ID |   NAME    |   AUTHOR    |
| 1  | The Trial | Franz Kafka |
1 row selected (0.133 seconds)

KarelDB is now at your service.

Kafka for Persistence

At the heart of KarelDB is KCache, an embedded key-value store that is backed by Kafka.  Many components use Kafka as a simple key-value store, including Kafka Connect and Confluent Schema Registry.  KCache not only generalizes this functionality, but provides a simple Map based API for ease of use.  In addition, KCache can use different implementations for the embedded key-value store that is backed by Kafka.

In the case of KarelDB, by default KCache is configured as a RocksDB cache that is backed by Kafka. This allows KarelDB to support larger datasets and faster startup times. KCache can also be configured to use an in-memory cache instead of RocksDB if desired.

Avro for Serialization and Schema Evolution

Kafka has pretty much adopted Apache Avro as its de facto data format, and for good reason.  Not only does Avro provide a compact binary format, but it has excellent support for schema evolution.  Such support is why the Confluent Schema Registry has chosen Avro as the first format for which it provides schema management.

KarelDB uses Avro to both define relations (tables), and serialize the data for those relations.  By using Avro, KarelDB gets schema evolution for free when executing an ALTER TABLE command.

sqlline> !connect jdbc:avatica:remote:url=http://localhost:8765 admin admin 

sqlline> create table customers (id int, name varchar);
No rows affected (1.311 seconds)

sqlline> alter table customers add address varchar not null;
Error: Error -1 (00000) : 
Error while executing SQL "alter table customers add address varchar not null": 
org.apache.avro.SchemaValidationException: Unable to read schema:
  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "CUSTOMERS",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "ID",
    "type" : "int",
    "sql.key.index" : 0
  }, {
    "name" : "NAME",
    "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
    "default" : null
  } ]
using schema:
  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "CUSTOMERS",
  "fields" : [ {
    "name" : "ID",
    "type" : "int",
    "sql.key.index" : 0
  }, {
    "name" : "NAME",
    "type" : [ "null", "string" ],
    "default" : null
  }, {
    "name" : "ADDRESS",
    "type" : "string"
  } ]

sqlline> alter table customers add address varchar null;
No rows affected (0.024 seconds)

As you can see above, when we first try to add a column with a NOT NULL constraint, Avro rejects the schema change, because adding a new field with a NOT NULL constraint would cause deserialization to fail for older records that don’t have that field. When we instead add the same column with a NULL constraint, the ALTER TABLE command succeeds.

By using Avro for deserialization, a field (without a NOT NULL constraint) that is added to a schema will be appropriately populated with a default, or null if the field is optional. This is all automatically handled by the underlying Avro framework.

Another important aspect of Avro is that it defines a standard sort order for data, as well as a comparison function that operates directly on the binary-encoded data, without first deserializing it. This allows KarelDB to efficiently handle key range queries, for example.

Calcite for SQL

Apache Calcite is a SQL framework that handles query parsing, optimization, and execution, but leaves out the data store. Calcite allows for relational expressions to be pushed down to the data store for more efficient processing. Otherwise, Calcite can process the query using a built-in enumerable calling convention, that allows the data store to be represented as a set of tuples that can be accessed through an iterator interface. An embedded key-value store is a perfect representation for such a set of tuples, so KarelDB will handle key lookups and key range filtering (using Avro’s sort order support) but otherwise defer query processing to Calcite’s enumerable convention. One nice aspect of the Calcite project is that it continues to develop optimizations for the enumerable convention, which will automatically benefit KarelDB moving forward.

Calcite supports ANSI-compliant SQL, including some newer functions such as JSON_VALUE and JSON_QUERY.

sqlline> create table authors (id int, json varchar);
No rows affected (0.132 seconds)

sqlline> insert into authors 
       > values (1, '{"name":"Franz Kafka", "book":"The Trial"}');
1 row affected (0.086 seconds)

sqlline> insert into authors 
       > values (2, '{"name":"Karel Capek", "book":"R.U.R."}');
1 row affected (0.036 seconds)

sqlline> select json_value(json, 'lax $.name') as author from authors;
|   AUTHOR    |
| Franz Kafka |
| Karel Capek |
2 rows selected (0.027 seconds)

Omid for Transactions and MVCC

Although Apache Omid was originally designed to work with HBase, it is a general framework for supporting transactions on a key-value store. In addition, Omid uses the underlying key-value store to persist metadata concerning transactions. This makes it especially easy to integrate Omid with an existing key-value store such as KCache.

Omid actually requires a few features from the key-value store, namely multi-versioned data and atomic compare-and-set capability. KarelDB layers these features atop KCache so that it can take advantage of Omid’s support for transaction management. Omid utilizes these features of the key-value store in order to provide snapshot isolation using multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). MVCC is a common technique used to implement snapshot isolation in other relational databases, such as Oracle and PostgreSQL.

Below we can see an example of how rolling back a transaction will restore the state of the database before the transaction began.

sqlline> !autocommit off

sqlline> select * from books;
| ID |   NAME    |   AUTHOR    |
| 1  | The Trial | Franz Kafka |
1 row selected (0.045 seconds)

sqlline> update books set name ='The Castle' where id = 1;
1 row affected (0.346 seconds)

sqlline> select * from books;
| ID |    NAME    |   AUTHOR    |
| 1  | The Castle | Franz Kafka |
1 row selected (0.038 seconds)

sqlline> !rollback
Rollback complete (0.059 seconds)

sqlline> select * from books;
| ID |   NAME    |   AUTHOR    |
| 1  | The Trial | Franz Kafka |
1 row selected (0.032 seconds)

Transactions can of course span multiple rows and multiple tables.

Avatica for JDBC

KarelDB can actually be run in two modes, as an embedded database or as a server. In the case of a server, KarelDB uses Apache Avatica to provide RPC protocol support. Avatica provides both a server framework that wraps KarelDB, as well as a JDBC driver that can communicate with the server using Avatica RPC.

One advantage of using Kafka is that multiple servers can all “tail” the same set of topics. This allows multiple KarelDB servers to run as a cluster, with no single-point of failure. In this case, one of the servers will be elected as the leader while the others will be followers (or replicas). When a follower receives a JDBC request, it will use the Avatica JDBC driver to forward the JDBC request to the leader. If the leader fails, one of the followers will be elected as a new leader.

Database by Components

Today, open-source libraries have achieved what component-based software development was hoping to do many years ago. With open-source libraries, complex systems such as relational databases can be assembled by integrating a few well-designed components, each of which specializes in one thing that it does particularly well.

Above I’ve shown how KarelDB is an assemblage of several existing open-source components:

Currently, KarelDB is designed as a single-node database, which can be replicated, but it is not a distributed database. Also, KarelDB is a plain-old relational database, and does not handle stream processing. For a distributed, stream-relational database, please consider using KSQL instead, which is production-proven.

KarelDB is still in its early stages, but give it a try if you’re interesting in using Kafka to back your plain-old relational data.

Building A Relational Database Using Kafka

Machine Learning with Kafka Graphs

As data has become more prevalent from the rise of cloud computing, mobile devices, and big data systems, methods to analyze that data have become more and more advanced, with machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms epitomizing the state-of-the-art. There are many ways to use machine learning to analyze data in Kafka. Below I will show how machine learning can be performed with Kafka Graphs, a graph analytics library that is layered on top of Kafka Streams.

Graph Modeling

As described in “Using Apache Kafka to Drive Cutting-Edge Machine Learning“, a machine learning lifecycle is comprised of modeling and prediction. That article goes on to describe how to integrate models from libraries like TensorFlow and H20, whether through RPC or by embedding the model in a Kafka application. With Kafka Graphs, the graph is the model. Therefore, when using Kafka Graphs for machine learning, there is no need to integrate with an external machine learning library for modeling.

Recommender Systems

As an example of machine learning with Kafka Graphs, I will show how Kafka Graphs can be used as a recommender system1. Recommender systems are commonly used by companies such as Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify to predict the rating or preference a user would give to an item. In fact, the Netflix Prize was a competition that Netflix started to determine if an external party could devise an algorithm that could provide a 10% improvement over Netflix’s own algorithm. The competition resulted in a wave of innovation in algorithms that use collaborative filtering2, which is a method of prediction based on the ratings or behavior of other users in the system.

Singular Value Decomposition

Singular value decomposition (SVD) is a type of matrix factorization popularized by Simon Funk for use in a recommender system during the Netflix competition. When using Funk SVD3, also called regularized SVD, the user-item rating matrix is viewed as the product of two lower-dimensional matrices, one with a row for each user, and another with a column for each item. For example, a 5×5 ratings matrix might be factored into a 5×2 user-feature matrix and a 2×5 item-feature matrix.

\begin{bmatrix}      r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} & r_{14} & r_{15} \\      r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} & r_{24} & r_{25} \\      r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} & r_{34} & r_{35} \\      r_{41} & r_{42} & r_{43} & r_{44} & r_{45} \\      r_{51} & r_{52} & r_{53} & r_{54} & r_{55}  \end{bmatrix}  =  \begin{bmatrix}      u_{11} & u_{12} \\      u_{21} & u_{22} \\      u_{31} & u_{32} \\      u_{41} & u_{42} \\      u_{51} & u_{52}  \end{bmatrix}  \begin{bmatrix}      v_{11} & v_{12} & v_{13} & v_{14} & v_{15} \\      v_{21} & v_{22} & v_{23} & v_{24} & v_{25} \\  \end{bmatrix}

Matrix factorization with SVD actually takes the form of

R = U \Sigma V^T

where \Sigma is a diagonal matrix of weights. The values in the row or column for the user-feature matrix or item-feature matrix are referred to as latent factors. The exact meanings of the latent factors are usually not discernible. For a movie, one latent factor might represent a specific genre, such as comedy or science-fiction; while for a user, one latent factor might represent gender while another might represent age group. The goal of Funk SVD is to extract these latent factors in order to predict the values of the user-item rating matrix.

While Funk SVD can only accommodate explicit interactions, in the form of numerical ratings, a team of researchers from AT&T enhanced Funk SVD to additionally account for implicit interactions, such as likes, purchases, and bookmarks. This enhanced algorithm is referred to as SVD++.4 During the Netflix competition, SVD++ was shown to generate more accurate predictions than Funk SVD.

Machine Learning on Pregel

Kafka Graphs provides an implementation of the Pregel programming model, so any algorithm written for the Pregel programming model can easily be supported by Kafka Graphs. For example, there are many machine learning algorithms written for Apache Giraph, an implementation of Pregel that runs on Apache Hadoop, so such algorithms are eligible to be run on Kafka Graphs as well, with only minor modifications. For Kafka Graphs, I’ve ported the SVD++ algorithm from Okapi, a library of machine learning and graph mining algorithms for Apache Giraph.

Running SVD++ on Kafka Graphs

In the rest of this post, I’ll show how you can run SVD++ using Kafka Graphs on a dataset of movie ratings. To set up your environment, install git, Maven, and Docker Compose. Then run the following steps:

git clone https://github.com/rayokota/kafka-graphs.git

cd kafka-graphs

mvn clean package -DskipTests

cd kafka-graphs-rest-app

docker-compose up

The last step above will launch Docker containers for a ZooKeeper instance, a Kafka instance, and two Kafka Graphs REST application instances. The application instances will each be assigned a subset of the graph vertices during the Pregel computation.

For our data, we will use the librec FilmTrust dataset, which is a relatively small set of 35497 movie ratings from users of the FilmTrust platform. The following command will import the movie ratings data into Kafka Graphs:

java \
  -cp target/kafka-graphs-rest-app-1.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar \
  -Dloader.main=io.kgraph.tools.importer.GraphImporter \
  org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher \
  --edgesTopic initial-edges \
  --edgesFile ../kafka-graphs-core/src/test/resources/ratings.txt \
  --edgeParser io.kgraph.library.cf.EdgeCfLongIdFloatValueParser \
  --edgeValueSerializer org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.FloatSerializer

The remaining commands will all use the Kafka Graphs REST API. First we prepare the graph data for use by Pregel. The following command will group edges by the source vertex ID, and also ensure that topics for the vertices and edges have the same number of partitions.

curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "algorithm":"svdpp",
  "initialEdgesTopic":"initial-edges", "verticesTopic":"vertices",
  "edgesGroupedBySourceTopic":"edges", "async":"false" }' \

Now we can configure the Pregel algorithm:

curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "algorithm":"svdpp",
  "verticesTopic":"vertices", "edgesGroupedBySourceTopic":"edges", 
  "configs": { "random.seed": "0" } }' \

The above command will return a hexadecimal ID to represent the Pregel computation, such as a8d72fc8. This ID is used in the next command to start the Pregel computation.

curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{  "numIterations": 6 }' \

You can now examine the state of the Pregel computation:

curl -H "Content-type: application/json" localhost:8888/pregel/{id}

Once the above command shows that the computation is no longer running, you can use the final state of the graph for predicting user ratings. For example, to predict the rating that user 2 would give to item 14, run the following command, using the same Pregel ID from previous steps:

java \
  -cp target/kafka-graphs-rest-app-1.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar \
  -Dloader.main=io.kgraph.tools.library.SvdppPredictor \
  org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher localhost:8888 \
  {id} --user 2 --item 14

The above command will return the predicted rating, such as 2.3385806. You can predict other ratings by using the same command with different user and item IDs.


The Kafka ecosystem provides several ways to build a machine learning system. Besides the various machine learning libraries that can be directly integrated with a Kafka application, Kafka Graphs can be used to run any machine learning algorithm that has been adapted for the Pregel programming model. Since Kafka Graphs is a library built on top of Kafka Streams, we’ve essentially turned Kafka Streams into a distributed machine learning platform!

Machine Learning with Kafka Graphs

Fun with Confluent Schema Registry Extensions

The Confluent Schema Registry often serves as the heart of a streaming platform, as it provides centralized management and storage of the schemas for an organization. One feature of the Schema Registry that deserves more attention is its ability to incorporate pluggable resource extensions.

In this post I will show how resource extensions can be used to implement the following:

  1. Subject modes. For example, one might want to “freeze” a subject so that no further changes can be made.
  2. A Schema Registry browser. This is a complete single-page application for managing and visualizing schemas in a web browser.

Along the way I will show how to use the KCache library that I introduced in my last post.

Subject Modes

The first resource extension that I will demonstrate is one that provides support for subject modes. With this extension, a subject can be placed in “read-only” mode so that no further changes can be made to the subject. Also, an entire Schema Registry cluster can be placed in “read-only” mode. This may be useful, for example, when using Confluent Replicator to replicate Schema Registry from one Kafka cluster to another. If one wants to keep the two registries in sync, one could mark the Schema Registry that is the target of replication as “read-only”.

When implementing the extension, we want to associate a mode, either “read-only” or “read-write”, to a given subject (or * to indicate all subjects). The association needs to be persistent, so that it can survive a restart of the Schema Registry. We could use a database, but the Schema Registry already has a dependency on Kafka, so perhaps we can store the association in Kafka. This is a perfect use case for KCache, which is an in-memory cache backed by Kafka. Using an instance of KafkaCache, saving and retrieving the mode for a given subject is straightforward:

public class ModeRepository implements Closeable {

    // Used to represent all subjects
    public static final String SUBJECT_WILDCARD = "*";

    private final Cache<String, String> cache;

    public ModeRepository(SchemaRegistryConfig schemaRegistryConfig) {
        KafkaCacheConfig config =
            new KafkaCacheConfig(schemaRegistryConfig.originalProperties());
        cache = new KafkaCache<>(config, Serdes.String(), Serdes.String());

    public Mode getMode(String subject) {
        if (subject == null) subject = SUBJECT_WILDCARD;
        String mode = cache.get(subject);
        if (mode == null && subject.equals(SUBJECT_WILDCARD)) {
            // Default mode for top level
            return Mode.READWRITE;
        return mode != null ? Enum.valueOf(Mode.class, mode) : null;

    public void setMode(String subject, Mode mode) {
        if (subject == null) subject = SUBJECT_WILDCARD;
        cache.put(subject, mode.name());

    public void close() throws IOException {

Using the ModeRepository, we can provide a ModeResource class that provides REST APIs for saving and retrieving modes:

public class ModeResource {

    private static final int INVALID_MODE_ERROR_CODE = 42299;

    private final ModeRepository repository;
    private final KafkaSchemaRegistry schemaRegistry;

    public ModeResource(
        ModeRepository repository, 
        SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry
    ) {
        this.repository = repository;
        this.schemaRegistry = (KafkaSchemaRegistry) schemaRegistry;

    public ModeUpdateRequest updateMode(
        @PathParam("subject") String subject,
        @Context HttpHeaders headers,
        @NotNull ModeUpdateRequest request
    ) {
        Mode mode;
        try {
            mode = Enum.valueOf(
                Mode.class, request.getMode().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new RestConstraintViolationException(
                "Invalid mode. Valid values are READWRITE and READONLY.", 
        try {
            if (schemaRegistry.isMaster()) {
                repository.setMode(subject, mode);
            } else {
                throw new RestSchemaRegistryException(
                    "Failed to update mode, not the master");
        } catch (CacheException e) {
            throw Errors.storeException("Failed to update mode", e);

        return request;

    public ModeGetResponse getMode(@PathParam("subject") String subject) {
        try {
            Mode mode = repository.getMode(subject);
            if (mode == null) {
                throw Errors.subjectNotFoundException();
            return new ModeGetResponse(mode.name());
        } catch (CacheException e) {
            throw Errors.storeException("Failed to get mode", e);

    public ModeUpdateRequest updateTopLevelMode(
        @Context HttpHeaders headers,
        @NotNull ModeUpdateRequest request
    ) {
        return updateMode(ModeRepository.SUBJECT_WILDCARD, headers, request);

    public ModeGetResponse getTopLevelMode() {
        return getMode(ModeRepository.SUBJECT_WILDCARD);

Now we need a filter to reject requests that attempt to modify a subject when it is in read-only mode:

public class ModeFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {

    private static final Set<ResourceActionKey> subjectWriteActions = 
        new HashSet<>();

    private ModeRepository repository;

    ResourceInfo resourceInfo;

    UriInfo uriInfo;

    HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest;

    static {

    private static void initializeSchemaRegistrySubjectWriteActions() {
            new ResourceActionKey(SubjectVersionsResource.class, "POST"));
            new ResourceActionKey(SubjectVersionsResource.class, "DELETE"));
            new ResourceActionKey(SubjectsResource.class, "DELETE"));
            new ResourceActionKey(ConfigResource.class, "PUT"));

    public ModeFilter(ModeRepository repository) {
        this.repository = repository;

    public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) {
        Class resource = resourceInfo.getResourceClass();
        String restMethod = requestContext.getMethod();
        String subject = uriInfo.getPathParameters().getFirst("subject");

        Mode mode = repository.getMode(subject);
        if (mode == null) {
            // Check the top level mode
            mode = repository.getMode(ModeRepository.SUBJECT_WILDCARD);
        if (mode == Mode.READONLY) {
            ResourceActionKey key = new ResourceActionKey(resource, restMethod);
            if (subjectWriteActions.contains(key)) {
                        .entity("Subject is read-only.")

    private static class ResourceActionKey {

        private final Class resourceClass;
        private final String restMethod;

        public ResourceActionKey(Class resourceClass, String restMethod) {
            this.resourceClass = resourceClass;
            this.restMethod = restMethod;


Finally, the resource extension simply creates the mode repository and then registers the resource and the filter:

public class SchemaRegistryModeResourceExtension 
    implements SchemaRegistryResourceExtension {

    private ModeRepository repository;

    public void register(
        Configurable<?> configurable,
        SchemaRegistryConfig schemaRegistryConfig,
        SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry
    ) {
        repository = new ModeRepository(schemaRegistryConfig);
        configurable.register(new ModeResource(repository, schemaRegistry));
        configurable.register(new ModeFilter(repository));

    public void close() throws IOException {

The complete source code listing can be found here.

To use our new resource extension, we first copy the extension jar (and the KCache jar) to ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/share/java/schema-registry. Next we add the following to ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties:


Now after we start the Schema Registry, we can save and retrieve modes for subjects via the REST API:

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  http://localhost:8081/mode/topic-key --data '{"mode": "READONLY"}'

$ curl localhost:8081/mode/topic-key

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json" \
  --data '{ "schema": "{ \"type\": \"string\" }" }' \
Subject is read-only.

It works!

A Schema Registry Browser

Resource extensions can not only be used to add new REST APIs to the Schema Registry; they can also be used to add entire web-based user interfaces. As a demonstration, I’ve developed a resource extension that provides a Schema Registry browser by bundling a single-page application based on Vue.js, which resides here. To use the Schema Registry browser, place the resource extension jar in ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/share/java/schema-registry and then add the following properties to ${CONFLUENT_HOME}/etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties:1


The resource extension merely indicates which URLs should use the static resources:

public class SchemaRegistryBrowserResourceExtension 
    implements SchemaRegistryResourceExtension {

    public void register(
        Configurable<?> configurable,
        SchemaRegistryConfig schemaRegistryConfig,
        SchemaRegistry kafkaSchemaRegistry
    ) throws SchemaRegistryException {

    public void close() {

Once we start the Schema Registry and navigate to http://localhost:8081/index.html, we will be greeted with the home page of the Schema Registry browser:

From the Entities dropdown, we can navigate to a listing of all subjects:

If we view a specific subject, we can see the complete version history for the subject, with schemas nicely formatted:

I haven’t shown all the functionality of the Schema Registry browser, but it supports all the APIs that are available through REST, including creating schemas, retrieving schemas by ID, etc.

Hopefully this post has inspired you to create your own resource extensions for the Confluent Schema Registry. You might even have fun. 🙂

Fun with Confluent Schema Registry Extensions

KCache: An In-Memory Cache Backed by Kafka

Last year, Jay Kreps wrote a great article titled It’s Okay to Store Data in Apache Kafka, in which he discusses a variety of ways to use Kafka as a persistent store. In one of the patterns, Jay describes how Kafka can be used to back an in-memory cache:

You may have an in-memory cache in each instance of your application that is fed by updates from Kafka. A very simple way of building this is to make the Kafka topic log compacted, and have the app simply start fresh at offset zero whenever it restarts to populate its cache.

After reading the above, you may be thinking, “That’s what I want to do. How do I do it?”

I will now describe exactly how.

Roughly, there are two approaches.

In the first approach, you would

  1. Create a compacted topic in Kafka.
  2. Create a Kafka consumer that will never commit its offsets, and will start by reading from the beginning of the topic.
  3. Have the consumer initially read all records and insert them, in order, into an in-memory cache.
  4. Have the consumer continue to poll the topic in a background thread, updating the cache with new records.
  5. To insert a new record into the in-memory cache, use a Kafka producer to send the record to the topic, and wait for the consumer to read the new record and update the cache.
  6. To remove a record from the in-memory cache, use a Kafka producer to send a record with the given key and a null value (such a record is called a tombstone), and wait for the consumer to read the tombstone and remove the corresponding record from the cache.

In the second approach, you would instead use KCache, a small library that neatly wraps all of the above functionality behind a simple java.util.Map interface.

import io.kcache.*;

String bootstrapServers = "localhost:9092";
Cache<String, String> cache = new KafkaCache<>(
    Serdes.String(),  // for serializing/deserializing keys
    Serdes.String()   // for serializing/deserializing values
cache.init();  // creates topic, initializes cache, consumer, and producer
cache.put("Kafka", "Rocks");
String value = cache.get("Kafka");  // returns "Rocks"
cache.close();  // shuts down the cache, consumer, and producer

That’s it!

The choice is yours. 🙂

KCache: An In-Memory Cache Backed by Kafka

KDatalog: Kafka as a Datalog Engine

In previous posts, I had discussed how Kafka can be used for both stream-relational processing as well as graph processing. I will now show how Kafka can also be used to process Datalog programs.

The Datalog Language

Datalog 1 is a declarative logic programming language that is used as the query language for databases such as Datomic and LogicBlox.2 Both relational queries and graph-based queries can be expressed in Datalog, so in one sense it can be seen as a unifying or foundational database language. 3

Finite Model Theory

To mathematicians, both graphs and relations can be viewed as finite models. Finite model theory has been described as “the backbone of database theory”4. When SQL was developed, first-order logic was used as its foundation since it was seen as sufficient for expressing any database query that might ever be needed. Later theoreticians working in finite model theory were better able to understand the limits on the expressivity of first-order logic.

For example, Datalog was shown to be able to express queries involving transitive closure, which cannot be expressed in first-order logic nor in relational algebra, since relational algebra is equivalent to first-order logic.5 This led to the addition of the WITH RECURSIVE clause to SQL-99 in order to support transitive closure queries against relational databases.

Facts and Rules

Below is an example Datalog program.

parent(’Isabella’, ’Ella’).
parent(’Ella’, ’Ben’).
parent(’Daniel’, ’Ben’).
sibling(X, Y) :- parent(X, Z), parent(Y, Z), X̸ != Y.

The Datalog program above consists of 3 facts and 1 rule.6 A rule has a head and a body (separated by the :- symbol). The body is itself a conjunction of subgoals (separated by commas). The symbols X, Y, and Z are variables, while ‘Isabella’, ‘Ella’, ‘Ben’, and ‘Daniel’ are constants.

In the above program, the facts state that Isabella has a parent named Ella, Ella has a parent named Ben, and Daniel has a parent named Ben. The rule states that if there exist two people (X and Y) who are not the same (X != Y) and who have the same parent (Z), then they are siblings. Thus we can see that Ella and Daniel are siblings.

The initial facts of a Datalog program are often referred to as the extensional database (EDB), while the remaining rules define the intensional database (IDB). When evaluating a Datalog program, we use the extensional database as input to the rules in order to output the intensional database.

Datalog Evaluation

There are several ways to evaluate a Datalog program. One of the more straightforward algorithms is called semi-naive evaluation. In semi-naive evaluation, we use the most recently generated facts (\Delta_\text{old}) to satisfy one subgoal, and all facts F to satisfy the remaining subgoals, which generates a new set of facts (\Delta_\text{new}). These new facts are then used for the next evaluation round, and we continue iteratively until no new facts are derived.7 The algorithm is shown below, where \textbf{EVAL-INCR} is the method of satisfying subgoals just described.

\line(1,0){500} \\  \texttt{// Input: } F \texttt{ (set of Datalog EDB facts),} \\  \texttt{//}\hspace{56pt} R \texttt{ (set of Datalog rules with non-empty body)} \\  \Delta_\text{old} := F \\  \textbf{while } \Delta_\text{old} \neq \emptyset \\  \indent\Delta_\text{new} := \textbf{EVAL-INCR}(R,F,\Delta_\text{old}) \\  \indent F := F \cup \Delta_\text{new} \\  \indent\Delta_\text{old} := \Delta_\text{new} \\  \texttt{output } F \\  \line(1,0){500}

Semi-naive evaluation is essentially how incremental view maintenance is performed in relational databases.

So how might we use Kafka to evaluate Datalog programs? Well, it turns out that researchers have shown how to perform distributed semi-naive evaluation of Datalog programs on Pregel, Google’s framework for large-scale graph processing. Since Kafka Graphs supports Pregel, we can use Kafka Graphs to evaluate Datalog programs as well.

Datalog on Pregel

The general approach for implementing distributed semi-naive evaluation on Pregel is to treat each constant in the facts, such as ‘Ella’ and ‘Daniel’, as a vertex in a complete graph.8 The value of each vertex will be the complete set of rules R as well as the subset of facts F that reference the constant represented by the vertex. During each round of the semi-naive algorithm, a given vertex will resolve the subgoals with the facts that it has and then send facts or partial rules to other vertices if necessary. That means that each round will be comprised of one or more Pregel supersteps, since vertices receive messages that were sent in the previous superstep.

Beyond the straightforward approach described above9, many enhancements can be made, such as efficient grouping of vertices into super-vertices, rule rewriting, and support for recursive aggregates.10

Datalog Processing With Kafka Streams

Based on existing research, we can adapt the above approach to Kafka Graphs, which I call KDatalog.11

Assuming our Datalog program is in a file named siblings.txt, we first use KDatalog to parse the program and construct a graph consisting of vertices for the constants in the program, with edges between every pair of vertices. As mentioned, the initial value of the vertex for a given constant c will consist of the set of rules R as well as the subset of facts F that contain c.

    StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
    Properties producerConfig = ...
    FileReader reader = new FileReader("siblings.txt");
    KGraph<String, String, String> graph = 
        KDatalog.createGraph(builder, producerConfig, reader);

We can then use this graph with KDatalog’s implementation of distributed semi-naive evaluation on Pregel, which is called DatalogComputation. After the computation terminates, the output of the algorithm will be the union of the values at every vertex.

Since KDatalog uses Kafka Graphs, and Kafka Graphs is built with Kafka Streams, we are essentially using Kafka Streams as a distributed Datalog engine.

The Future of Datalog

Datalog has recently enjoyed somewhat of a resurgence, as it has found successful application in a wide variety of areas, including data integration, information extraction, networking, program analysis, security, and cloud computing.12 Datalog has even been used to express conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs) in distributed systems. If interest in Datalog continues to grow, perhaps Kafka will play an important role in helping enterprises use Datalog for their business needs.




KDatalog: Kafka as a Datalog Engine

Kafka Graphs: Graph Analytics with Apache Kafka

As the 2018 Apache Kafka Report has shown, Kafka has become mission-critical to enterprises of all sizes around the globe. Although there are many similar technologies in the field today, none have the equivalent of the thriving ecosystem that has developed around Kafka. Frameworks like Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams, and KSQL have enabled a much wider variety of scenarios to be addressed by Kafka. We are witnessing the growth of an entire technology market, distributed streaming, that resembles how the relational database market grew to take hold of enterprises at the end of the last century.

Kafka Graphs is a new framework that extends Kafka Streams to provide distributed graph analytics. It provides both a library for graph transformations as well as a distributed platform for executing graph algorithms. Kafka Graphs was inspired by other platforms for graph analytics, such as Apache Flink Gelly, Apache Spark GraphX, and Apache Giraph, but unlike these other frameworks it does not require anything other than what is already provided by the Kafka abstraction funnel.

Graph Representation and Transformations

A graph in Kafka Graphs is represented by two tables from Kafka Streams, one for vertices and one for edges. The vertex table is comprised of an ID and a vertex value, while the edge table is comprised of a source ID, target ID, and edge value.

KTable<Long, Long> vertices = ...
KTable<Edge<Long>, Long> edges = ...
KGraph<Long, Long, Long> graph = new KGraph<>(
    GraphSerialized.with(Serdes.Long(), Serdes.Long(), Serdes.Long())

Once a graph is created, graph transformations can be performed on it. For example, the following will compute the sum of the values of all incoming neighbors for each vertex.

graph.reduceOnNeighbors(new SumValues(), EdgeDirection.IN);

Pregel-Based Graph Algorithms

Kafka Graphs provides a number of graph algorithms based on the vertex-centric approach of Pregel. The vertex-centric approach allows a computation to “think like a vertex” so that it only need consider how the value of a vertex should change based on messages sent from other vertices. The following algorithms are provided by Kafka Graphs:

  1. Breadth-first search (BFS): given a source vertex, determines the minimum number of hops to reach every other vertex.
  2. Label propagation (LP): finds communities in a graph by propagating labels between neighbors.
  3. Local clustering coefficient (LCC): computes the degree of clustering for each vertex as determined by the ratio between the number of triangles a vertex closes with its neighbors to the maximum number of triangles it could close.
  4. Multiple-source shortest paths (MSSP): given a set of source vertices, finds the shortest paths from these vertices to all other vertices.
  5. PageRank (PR): measures the rank or popularity of each vertex by propagating influence between vertices.
  6. Single-source shortest paths (SSSP): given a source vertex, finds the shortest paths to all other vertices.
  7. Weakly connected components (WCC): determines the weakly connected component for each vertex.

For example, here is the implementation of the single-source shortest paths (SSSP) algorithm:

public final class SSSPComputeFunction 
  implements ComputeFunction<Long, Double, Double, Double> {

  public void compute(
    int superstep,
    VertexWithValue<Long, Double> vertex,
    Map<Long, Double> messages,
    Iterable<EdgeWithValue<Long, Double>> edges,
    Callback<Long, Double, Double> cb) {

    double minDistance = vertex.id().equals(srcVertexId)
      ? 0d : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    for (Double message : messages.values()) {
      minDistance = Math.min(minDistance, message);

    if (minDistance < vertex.value()) {
      for (EdgeWithValue<Long, Double> edge : edges) {
        double distance = minDistance + edge.value();
        cb.sendMessageTo(edge.target(), distance);

Custom Pregel-based graph algorithms can also be added by implementing the ComputeFunction interface.

Distributed Graph Processing

Since Kafka Graphs is built on top of Kafka Streams, it is able to leverage the underlying partitioning scheme of Kafka Streams in order to support distributed graph processing. To facilitate running graph algorithms in a distributed manner, Kafka Graphs provides a REST application for managing graph algorithm executions.

java -jar kafka-graphs-rest-app-0.1.0.jar \
  --kafka.graphs.bootstrapServers=localhost:9092 \

When multiple instantiations of the REST application are started on different hosts, all configured with the same Kafka and ZooKeeper servers, they will automatically coordinate with each other to partition the set of vertices when executing a graph algorithm. When a REST request is sent to one host, it will automatically proxy the request to the other hosts if necessary.

More information on the REST application can be found here.


Kafka Graphs is a new addition to the rapidly expanding ecosystem surrounding Apache Kafka. Kafka Graphs is still in its early stages, but please feel to try it and suggest improvements if you have a need to perform distributed graph analytics with Kafka.

Kafka Graphs: Graph Analytics with Apache Kafka

Embedding Kafka Connect in Kafka Streams + KSQL

Previously I presented the Kafka abstraction funnel and how it provides a simple yet powerful tool for writing applications that use Apache Kafka.  In this post I will show how these abstractions also provide a straightforward means of interfacing with Kafka Connect, so that applications that use Kafka Streams and KSQL can easily integrate with external systems like MySQL, Elasticsearch, and others.1

This is a somewhat lengthy post, so feel free to skip to the summary below.

Twins Separated at Birth?

Normally when using Kafka Connect, one would launch a cluster of Connect workers to run a combination of source connectors, that pull data from an external system into Kafka, and sink connectors, that push data from Kafka to an external system.  Once the data is in Kafka, one could then use Kafka Streams or KSQL to perform stream processing on the data.

Let’s take a look at two of the primary abstractions in Kafka Connect, the SourceTask and the SinkTask. The heart of the SourceTask class is the poll() method, which returns data from the external system.

 * SourceTask is a Task that pulls records from another system for 
 * storage in Kafka.
public abstract class SourceTask implements Task {

    public abstract void start(Map<String, String> props);

    public abstract List<SourceRecord> poll() 
        throws InterruptedException;

    public abstract void stop();


Likewise, the heart of the SinkTask is the put(Collection<SinkRecord> records) method, which sends data to the external system.

 * SinkTask is a Task that takes records loaded from Kafka and 
 * sends them to another system.
public abstract class SinkTask implements Task {

    public abstract void start(Map<String, String> props);

    public abstract void put(Collection<SinkRecord> records);

    public void flush(
        Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> currentOffsets) {

    public abstract void stop();


Do those Kafka Connect classes remind of us anything in the Kafka abstraction funnel? Yes, indeed, the Consumer and Producer interfaces. Here is the Consumer:

 * A client that consumes records from a Kafka cluster.
public interface Consumer<K, V> extends Closeable {

    public void subscribe(
        Pattern pattern, ConsumerRebalanceListener callback);

    public ConsumerRecords<K, V> poll(long timeout);

    public void unsubscribe();

    public void close();


And here is the Producer:

 * A Kafka client that publishes records to the Kafka cluster.
public interface Producer<K, V> extends Closeable {

    Future<RecordMetadata> send(
        ProducerRecord<K, V> record, Callback callback);

    void flush();

    void close();


There are other methods in those interfaces that I’ve elided, but the above methods are the primary ones used by Kafka Streams.

Connect, Meet Streams

The Connect APIs and the Producer-Consumer APIs are very similar. Perhaps we can create implementations of the Producer-Consumer APIs that merely delegate to the Connect APIs. But how would we plug in our new implementations into Kafka Streams? Well, it turns out that Kafka Streams allows you to implement an interface that instructs it where to obtain a Producer and a Consumer:

 * {@code KafkaClientSupplier} can be used to provide custom Kafka clients 
 * to a {@link KafkaStreams} instance.
public interface KafkaClientSupplier {

    AdminClient getAdminClient(final Map<String, Object> config);

    Producer<byte[], byte[]> getProducer(Map<String, Object> config);

    Consumer<byte[], byte[]> getConsumer(Map<String, Object> config);


That’s just we want. Let’s try implementing a new Consumer that delegates to a Connect SourceTask. We’ll call it ConnectSourceConsumer.

public class ConnectSourceConsumer implements Consumer<byte[], byte[]> {

    private final SourceTask task;
    private final Converter keyConverter;
    private final Converter valueConverter;
    public ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> poll(long timeout) {
        // Poll the Connect source task
        List<SourceRecord> records = task.poll();
        return records != null 
            ? new ConsumerRecords<>(convertRecords(records)) 
            : ConsumerRecords.empty();

    // Convert the Connect records into Consumer records
    private ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> convertRecords(
            List<SourceRecord> records) {

        for (final SourceRecord record : records) {
            byte[] key = keyConverter.fromConnectData(
                record.topic(), record.keySchema(), record.key());
            byte[] value = valueConverter.fromConnectData(
                record.topic(), record.valueSchema(), record.value());
            int partition = record.kafkaPartition() != null 
                ? record.kafkaPartition() : 0;
            final ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> consumerRecord =
                    new ConsumerRecord<>(
            TopicPartition tp = new TopicPartition(
                record.topic(), partition);
            List<ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]>> consumerRecords = 
                result.computeIfAbsent(tp, k -> new ArrayList<>());
        return new ConsumerRecords<>(result);


And here is the new Producer that delegates to a Connect SinkTask, called ConnectSinkProducer.

public class ConnectSinkProducer implements Producer<byte[], byte[]> {

    private final SinkTask task;
    private final Converter keyConverter;
    private final Converter valueConverter;
    private final List<SinkRecord> recordBatch;

    public Future<RecordMetadata> send(
        ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record, Callback callback) {

    // Convert the Connect records into Producer records
    private void convertRecords(
        List<ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]>> records) {

        for (ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record : records) {
            SchemaAndValue keyAndSchema = record.key() != null
                ? keyConverter.toConnectData(record.topic(), record.key())
                : SchemaAndValue.NULL;
            SchemaAndValue valueAndSchema = record.value() != null
                ? valueConverter.toConnectData(
                    record.topic(), record.value())
                : SchemaAndValue.NULL;
            int partition = record.partition() != null 
                ? record.partition() : 0;
            SinkRecord producerRecord = new SinkRecord(
                    record.topic(), partition,
                    keyAndSchema.schema(), keyAndSchema.value(),
                    valueAndSchema.schema(), valueAndSchema.value(),

    public void flush() {

    private void deliverRecords() {
        // Finally, deliver this batch to the sink
        try {
            task.put(new ArrayList<>(recordBatch));
        } catch (RetriableException e) {
            // The batch will be reprocessed on the next loop.
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw new ConnectException("Unrecoverable exception:", t);


With our new classes in hand, let’s implement KafkaClientSupplier so we can let Kafka Streams know about them.

public class ConnectClientSupplier implements KafkaClientSupplier {
    public Producer<byte[], byte[]> getProducer(
        final Map<String, Object> config) {
        return new ConnectSinkProducer(config);

    public Consumer<byte[], byte[]> getConsumer(
        final Map<String, Object> config) {
        return new ConnectSourceConsumer(config);


Words Without Counts

We now have enough to run a simple function using Kafka Connect embedded in Kafka Streams.2. Let’s give it a whirl.

The following code performs the first half of a WordCount application, where the input is a stream of lines of text, and the output is a stream of words. However, instead of using Kafka for input/output, we use the JDBC Connector to read from a database table and write to another.

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "simple");
    props.put(StreamsConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, "simple-example-client");
    props.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers);
    StreamsConfig streamsConfig = new StreamsConfig(props);

    Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
    ConnectStreamsConfig connectConfig = new ConnectStreamsConfig(config);

    // The JDBC source task configuration
    Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
    config.put(JdbcSourceConnectorConfig.CONNECTION_URL_CONFIG, jdbcUrl);
    config.put(JdbcSourceTaskConfig.TABLES_CONFIG, inputTopic);
    config.put(TaskConfig.TASK_CLASS_CONFIG, JdbcSourceTask.class.getName());
    TaskConfig sourceTaskConfig = new TaskConfig(config);

    // The JDBC sink task configuration
    Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
    config.put(JdbcSourceConnectorConfig.CONNECTION_URL_CONFIG, jdbcUrl);
    config.put(TaskConfig.TASK_CLASS_CONFIG, JdbcSinkTask.class.getName());
    TaskConfig sinkTaskConfig = new TaskConfig(config);

    StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();

    KStream<SchemaAndValue, SchemaAndValue> input = 

    KStream<SchemaAndValue, SchemaAndValue> output = input
        .flatMapValues(value -> {
            Struct lines = (Struct) value.value();
            String[] strs = lines.get("lines").toString()
            List<SchemaAndValue> result = new ArrayList<>();
            for (String str : strs) {
                if (str.length() > 0) {
                    Schema schema = SchemaBuilder.struct().name("word")
                        .field("word", Schema.STRING_SCHEMA).build();
                    Struct struct = new Struct(schema).put("word", str);
                    result.add(new SchemaAndValue(schema, struct));
            return result;


    streams = new KafkaStreams(builder.build(), streamsConfig,
            new ConnectClientSupplier("JDBC", connectConfig,
                    Collections.singletonMap(inputTopic, sourceTaskConfig),
                    Collections.singletonMap(outputTopic, sinkTaskConfig)));

When we run the above example, it executes without involving Kafka at all!

This Is Not A Pipe3

Now that we have the first half of a WordCount application, let’s complete it. Normally we would just add a groupBy function to the above example, however that won’t work with our JDBC pipeline. The reason can be found in the JavaDoc for groupBy:

Because a new key is selected, an internal repartitioning topic will be created in Kafka. This topic will be named “${applicationId}-XXX-repartition”, where “applicationId” is user-specified in StreamsConfig via parameter APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, “XXX” is an internally generated name, and “-repartition” is a fixed suffix.

So Kafka Streams will try to create a new topic, and it will do so by using the AdminClient obtained from KafkaClientSupplier. Therefore, we could, if we chose to, create an implementation of AdminClient that creates database tables instead of Kafka topics. However, if we remember to think of Kafka as Unix pipes, all we want to do is restructure our previous WordCount pipeline from this computation:

to the following computation, where the database interactions are no longer represented by pipes, but rather by stdin and stdout:

This allows Kafka Streams to use Kafka Connect without going through Kafka as an intermediary. In addition, there is no need for a cluster of Connect workers as the Kafka Streams layer is directly instantiating and managing the necessary Connect components. However, wherever there is a pipe (|) in the above pipeline, we still want Kafka to hold the intermediate results.

WordCount With Kafka Connect

So let’s continue to use an AdminClient that is backed by Kafka. However, if we want to use Kafka for intermediate results, we need to modify the APIs in ConnectClientSupplier. We will now need this class to return instances of Producer and Consumer that delegate to Kafka Connect for the stream input and output, but to Kafka for intermediate results that are produced within the stream.

public class ConnectClientSupplier implements KafkaClientSupplier {

    private DefaultKafkaClientSupplier defaultSupplier = 
        new DefaultKafkaClientSupplier();
    private String connectorName;
    private ConnectStreamsConfig connectStreamsConfig;
    private Map<String, TaskConfig> sourceTaskConfigs;
    private Map<String, TaskConfig> sinkTaskConfigs;

    public ConnectClientSupplier(
        String connectorName, ConnectStreamsConfig connectStreamsConfig,
        Map<String, TaskConfig> sourceTaskConfigs,
        Map<String, TaskConfig> sinkTaskConfigs) {

        this.connectorName = connectorName;
        this.connectStreamsConfig = connectStreamsConfig;
        this.sourceTaskConfigs = sourceTaskConfigs;
        this.sinkTaskConfigs = sinkTaskConfigs;


    public Producer<byte[], byte[]> getProducer(
        Map<String, Object> config) {

        ProducerConfig producerConfig = new ProducerConfig(
                new ByteArraySerializer(), new ByteArraySerializer()));
        Map<String, ConnectSinkProducer> connectProducers =
                    e -> ConnectSinkProducer.create(
                        connectorName, connectStreamsConfig, 
                        e.getValue(), producerConfig)));

        // Return a Producer that delegates to Connect or Kafka
        return new WrappedProducer(
            connectProducers, defaultSupplier.getProducer(config));

    public Consumer<byte[], byte[]> getConsumer(
        Map<String, Object> config) {

        ConsumerConfig consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig(
                new ByteArrayDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer()));
        Map<String, ConnectSourceConsumer> connectConsumers =
                    e -> ConnectSourceConsumer.create(
                        connectorName, connectStreamsConfig, 
                        e.getValue(), consumerConfig)));

        // Return a Consumer that delegates to Connect and Kafka
        return new WrappedConsumer(
            connectConsumers, defaultSupplier.getConsumer(config));

The WrappedProducer simply sends a record to either Kafka or the appropriate Connect SinkTask, depending on the topic or table name.

public class WrappedProducer implements Producer<byte[], byte[]> {
    private final Map<String, ConnectSinkProducer> connectProducers;
    private final Producer<byte[], byte[]> kafkaProducer;

    public Future<RecordMetadata> send(
        ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record, Callback callback) {
        String topic = record.topic();
        ConnectSinkProducer connectProducer = connectProducers.get(topic);
        if (connectProducer != null) {
            // Send to Connect
            return connectProducer.send(record, callback);
        } else {
            // Send to Kafka
            return kafkaProducer.send(record, callback);


The WrappedConsumer simply polls Kafka and all the Connect SourceTask instances and then combines their results.

public class WrappedConsumer implements Consumer<byte[], byte[]> {
    private final Map<String, ConnectSourceConsumer> connectConsumers;
    private final Consumer<byte[], byte[]> kafkaConsumer;

    public ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> poll(long timeout) {
        Map<TopicPartition, List<ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]>>> records 
            = new HashMap<>();
        // Poll from Kafka
        poll(kafkaConsumer, timeout, records);
        for (ConnectSourceConsumer consumer : connectConsumers.values()) {
            // Poll from Connect
            poll(consumer, timeout, records);
        return new ConsumerRecords<>(records);

    private void poll(
        Consumer<byte[], byte[]> consumer, long timeout,
        Map<TopicPartition, List<ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]>>> records) {
        try {
            ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> rec = consumer.poll(timeout);
            for (TopicPartition tp : rec.partitions()) {
                records.put(tp, rec.records(tp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Could not poll consumer", e);

Finally we can use groupBy to implement WordCount.

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "simple");
    props.put(StreamsConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, "simple-example-client");
    props.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers);
    StreamsConfig streamsConfig = new StreamsConfig(props);

    Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
    ConnectStreamsConfig connectConfig = new ConnectStreamsConfig(config);

    // The JDBC source task configuration
    Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
    config.put(JdbcSourceConnectorConfig.CONNECTION_URL_CONFIG, jdbcUrl);
    config.put(JdbcSourceTaskConfig.TABLES_CONFIG, inputTopic);
    config.put(TaskConfig.TASK_CLASS_CONFIG, JdbcSourceTask.class.getName());
    TaskConfig sourceTaskConfig = new TaskConfig(config);

    // The JDBC sink task configuration
    Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
    config.put(JdbcSourceConnectorConfig.CONNECTION_URL_CONFIG, jdbcUrl);
    config.put(TaskConfig.TASK_CLASS_CONFIG, JdbcSinkTask.class.getName());
    TaskConfig sinkTaskConfig = new TaskConfig(config);

    StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();

    KStream<SchemaAndValue, SchemaAndValue> input = builder.stream(inputTopic);

    KStream<SchemaAndValue, String> words = input
        .flatMapValues(value -> {
            Struct lines = (Struct) value.value();
            String[] strs = lines.get("lines").toString()
            List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
            for (String str : strs) {
                if (str.length() > 0) {
            return result;

    KTable<String, Long> wordCounts = words
        .groupBy((key, word) -> word, 
            Serialized.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()))

        (key, value) -> {
            Schema schema = SchemaBuilder.struct().name("word")
                    .field("word", Schema.STRING_SCHEMA)
                    .field("count", Schema.INT64_SCHEMA).build();
            Struct struct = new Struct(schema)
                .put("word", key).put("count", value);
            return new KeyValue<>(SchemaAndValue.NULL, 
                new SchemaAndValue(schema, struct));

    streams = new KafkaStreams(builder.build(), streamsConfig,
            new ConnectClientSupplier("JDBC", connectConfig,
                    Collections.singletonMap(inputTopic, sourceTaskConfig),
                    Collections.singletonMap(outputTopic, sinkTaskConfig)));

When we run this WordCount application, it will use the JDBC Connector for input and output, and Kafka for intermediate results, as expected.

Connect, Meet KSQL

Since KSQL is built on top of Kafka Streams, with the above classes we get integration between Kafka Connect and KSQL for free, thanks to the Kafka abstraction funnel.

For example, here is a KSQL program to retrieve word counts that are greater than 100.

    Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
    ConnectStreamsConfig connectConfig = new ConnectStreamsConfig(config);

    // The JDBC source task configuration
    Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
    config.put(JdbcSourceConnectorConfig.CONNECTION_URL_CONFIG, jdbcUrl);
    config.put(JdbcSourceTaskConfig.TABLES_CONFIG, inputTopic);
    config.put(TaskConfig.TASK_CLASS_CONFIG, JdbcSourceTask.class.getName());
    TaskConfig sourceTaskConfig = new TaskConfig(config);

    KafkaClientSupplier clientSupplier = 
        new ConnectClientSupplier("JDBC", connectConfig,
                Collections.singletonMap(inputTopic, sourceTaskConfig),

    ksqlContext = KsqlContext.create(
        ksqlConfig, schemaRegistryClient, clientSupplier);

    ksqlContext.sql("CREATE STREAM WORD_COUNTS" 
        + " (ID int, WORD varchar, WORD_COUNT bigint)"
        + " WITH (kafka_topic='word_counts', value_format='AVRO', key='ID');";


When we run this example, it uses the JDBC Connector to read its input from a relational database. This is because we pass an instance of ConnectClientSupplier to the KsqlContext factory, in order to instruct the Kafka Streams layer underlying KSQL where to obtain the Producer and Consumer.4


With the above examples I’ve been able to demonstrate both

  1. the power of clean abstractions, especially as utilized in the Kafka abstraction funnel, and
  2. a promising method of integrating Kafka Connect with Kafka Streams and KSQL based on these abstractions.

Ironically, I have also shown that the Kafka abstraction funnel does not need to be tied to Kafka at all. It can be used with any system that provides implementations of the Producer-Consumer APIs, which reside at the bottom of the funnel. In this post I have shown how to plug in Kafka Connect at this level to achieve embedded Kafka Connect functionality within Kafka Streams. However, frameworks other than Kafka Connect could be used as well. In this light, Kafka Streams (as well as KSQL) can be viewed as a general stream processing platform in the same manner as Flink and Spark.

I hope you have enjoyed these excursions into some of the inner workings of Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams, and KSQL.

Embedding Kafka Connect in Kafka Streams + KSQL