Understanding Protobuf Compatibility

In a recent article, I presented rules for evolving JSON Schemas in a backward, forward, and fully compatible manner. The backward compatibility rules for Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) are much simpler, and most of them are outlined in the section “Updating A Message Type” in the Protobuf Language Guide.

The Confluent Schema Registry uses these rules to check for compatibility when evolving a Protobuf schema. However, unlike some other tools, the Confluent Schema Registry does not require that a removed field be marked as reserved when evolving a schema in a backward compatible manner. The reserved keyword can be used to prevent incompatible changes in future versions of a schema. Instead of requiring the reserved keyword, the Confluent Schema Registry achieves compatibility across multiple versions by allowing compatibility checks to be performed transitively. The reserved keyword is most useful for those tools that do not perform transitive compatibility checks. Using it when removing fields is still considered a best practice, however.

For the Protobuf oneof construct, there are four additional compatibility issues that are mentioned in the Protobuf Language Guide.  Since the text of the language guide is a bit terse, for the rest of this article I’ll discuss each of these four issues further. First, let me reproduce the text below.

  1. Be careful when adding or removing oneof fields. If checking the value of a oneof returns None/NOT_SET, it could mean that the oneof has not been set or it has been set to a field in a different version of the oneof. There is no way to tell the difference, since there’s no way to know if an unknown field on the wire is a member of the oneof.
  2. Move fields into or out of a oneof: You may lose some of your information (some fields will be cleared) after the message is serialized and parsed. However, you can safely move a single field into a new oneof and may be able to move multiple fields if it is known that only one is ever set.
  3. Delete a oneof field and add it back: This may clear your currently set oneof field after the message is serialized and parsed.
  4. Split or merge oneof: This has similar issues to moving regular fields.

Each of the above issues can cause information to be lost. For that reason, these are considered backward compatibility issues.

Adding or removing oneof fields

Let’s look at an example of when a oneof field is removed.  Let’s say we have the following Protobuf message with fields f1 and f2 in a oneof.

message SampleMessage {
  oneof test_oneof {
    string f1 = 1;
    string f2 = 2;

Later we decide to remove the field f2.

message SampleMessage {
  oneof test_oneof {
    string f1 = 1;

If an old binary with the first version of SampleMessage creates a message and sets f2 in test_oneof, then a new binary with the second version of SampleMessage will see test_oneof as unset. The value of f2 will be contained in the unknown fields of the message, but there’s no way to tell which, if any, of the unknown fields were previously in test_oneof. The information that is lost is whether the oneof was really set or not.

This behavior may be unexpected when comparing it to how Protobuf handles removing a value from an enum. Any unrecognized enum values encountered on the wire are retained by the binary, and a field using the enum will still appear as set (to an unrecognized value) if the binary encounters a value that is no longer enumerated in the enum.

The information loss from removing a oneof field can cascade and cause other information to be lost, depending on the scenario. For example, if the new binary reads the message with f2 set by the old binary and modifies the same message by setting f1, then when the old binary reads the modified message, the old binary may see f2 as still set! In this scenario, f2 can still appear as set because setting f1 in the new binary does not clear the unknown field for f2, since for the new binary, f2 is not associated with test_oneof. When reading from the wire, the old binary may read f2 after f1, and then clear f1. This assumes that f2 is deserialized after f1. The value of f1 will also be lost for the old binary.

Furthermore, when reading the modified message, a binary in a different programming language may read f1 after f2, thus clearing the value of f2. In this case, the value for f2 will be lost. The actual serialization order is implementation-specific and subject to change. Most implementations serialize fields in ascending order of their field numbers, but this is not guaranteed, especially in the presence of unknown fields. Also, inconsistencies in how various programming languages handle unknown fields prevents a canonical serialization order from being defined. The Protobuf Encoding documentation states the following:

  • By default, repeated invocations of serialization methods on the same protocol buffer message instance may not return the same byte output; i.e. the default serialization is not deterministic.
  • Deterministic serialization only guarantees the same byte output for a particular binary. The byte output may change across different versions of the binary.

So even a later version of the binary in the same programming language may see different results.

For these reasons, removing a field from a oneof is considered a backward incompatible change. Likewise, adding a field to a oneof is considered a forward incompatible change (since a forward compatibility check is just a backward compatibility check with the schemas switched).

Moving fields into or out of a oneof

Consider the following Protobuf message with f1 in a oneof and f2 and f3 outside of the oneof.

message SampleMessage {
  oneof test_oneof {
    string f1 = 1;
  string f2 = 2;
  string f3 = 3;

Later we decide to move both f2 and f3 into test_oneof.

message SampleMessage {
  oneof test_oneof {
    string f1 = 1;
    string f2 = 2;
    string f3 = 3;

If an old binary with the first version of SampleMessage creates a message and sets f1, f2, and f3, then when a new binary with the second version of SampleMessage reads the message from the wire, it will clear two of the fields (depending on serialization order) and leave only one field, say f3, with its value. Thus the values of the other two fields will be lost.

As mentioned, the order in which fields are serialized is implementation-specific. For the fields in the oneof, only the value of the last field read from the wire is retained. Therefore, an additional problem is that a different field in the oneof may appear as set when using a different implementation.

For these reasons, moving fields into a oneof is considered a backward incompatible change, unless the oneof is new and only a single field is moved into it. Moving fields out of a oneof is also a backward incompatible change, since this has the effect of removing the fields from the oneof.

Deleting a oneof and adding it back

In this scenario there are three versions involved. The first version has f1 and f2 in a oneof.

message SampleMessage {
  oneof test_oneof {
    string f1 = 1;
    string f2 = 2;

In the second version, we remove the field f2 from the oneof.

message SampleMessage {
  oneof test_oneof {
    string f1 = 1;

Later we add the field f2 back to the oneof.

message SampleMessage {
  oneof test_oneof {
    string f1 = 1;
    string f2 = 2;

If an old binary with the first version of SampleMessage creates a message and sets f2 in test_oneof, then next a binary with the second version reads the message and sets f1 in test_oneof, and finally a later binary with the third version reads the modified message, it may see f2 as set, and the value of f1 as lost. This is a similar scenario to that described above involving only two binaries when removing a field from the oneof. Here the modified message is being read by a third later binary, rather than by the first original binary in the scenario involving only two binaries.

Splitting or merging a oneof

Consider a Protobuf message with two oneof constructs.

message SampleMessage {
  oneof test_oneof {
    string f1 = 1;
  oneof test_oneof {
    string f2 = 2;

Later we decide to merge the oneof constructs.

message SampleMessage {
  oneof test_oneof {
    string f1 = 1;
    string f2 = 2;

If an old binary with the first version of SampleMessage creates a message and sets both f1 and f2, then when a new binary with the second version of SampleMessage reads the message, it will see only one of the fields as set, with the value of the other field being lost. Again, which field is set and which is lost depends on the implementation. This issue is similar to that described above involving moving existing fields into a oneof.


In Protobuf, evolving schemas with oneof constructs can be problematic for a couple of reasons:

  1. Information may be lost, such as the values of fields that were moved into a oneof, and whether a oneof was set or not. The information loss can cascade and result in further loss, such as when an unknown field reappears in a oneof, causing the previous value of the oneof to be cleared.
  2. A schema change can unfortunately cause multiple fields which have been set to be pulled into the same oneof. If this happens, all of the fields except one will be cleared. Since the order in which fields are serialized to the wire is implementation-specific and subject to change, especially in the presence of unknown fields, the field that is retained may be different between implementations.

For these reasons, Confluent Schema Registry implements two backward compatibility checks for the oneof construct:

  1. Removing a field from a oneof is a backward incompatible change.
  2. Moving existing fields into a oneof is a backward incompatible change, unless it is a single field being moved into a new oneof.
Understanding Protobuf Compatibility

The Enterprise is Made of Events, Not Things

“The world is made of events, not things.” — Carlo Rovelli

“Every company is becoming software.” — Jay Kreps

In The Order of Time, the physicist Carlo Rovelli argues that the theory of relativity compels us to view the world not as made of things or entities, but as events or processes. In the world of technology, Jay Kreps argues that the core processes that a company executes are increasingly being captured in software, and these processes consume and produce the business events that drive the company. From the viewpoint of both Rovelli and Kreps, one can view a company as made of events or processes.

The dichotomy between events and things (with state) has been noted by many. Martin Kleppmann captured it elegantly in his book Designing Data-Intensive Applications as follows:

One technique often used in Domain-Driven Development (DDD) is event sourcing, which derives application state from immutable business events. Event sourcing often involves arbitrary logic to derive the state. A more formal model would use a finite-state machine (FSM) to derive the state.

In a software architecture involving a network of FSMs, each FSM can perform state transitions when receiving events, produce events for other FSMs to consume, and persist some internal data. With FSMs, one can implement several other models, such as the following:

  • Simple CRUD entities.  This is the most common use-case for event sourcing.
  • Function as a Service (FaaS).  In this case, each FSM only has one state, and a single transition to and from that state, during which it performs the function.
  • Actor model.  In the actor model, actors receive and send events, but are otherwise passive when no events occur.
  • Intelligent agents (IA).  Intelligent agents are similar to actors in that they receive and send events, but are generally viewed as continuously active in order to achieve some goal.

In the rest of this article I’ll show how to implement a network of intelligent agents using Kafka Streams and finite-state machines.

The implementation is comprised of two parts:

  1. An FSM implementation that sits atop Kafka Streams, called a KMachine.  A KMachine definition is comprised of a set of states, a set of state transitions, some internal data, and a set of functions that can be attached to state transitions.  The entire KMachine definition can be expressed in YAML, in which the functions are written as JavaScript.
  2. A REST-based web application that can be used to create and manage both KMachine definitions and instances. A KMachine instance is created for each unique key in the input stream.

To demonstrate how KMachine can be used to implement a network of intelligent agents, I’ve borrowed an example from “Programming Game AI By Example,” by Mat Buckland.  In this example, two intelligent agents inhabit a gaming environment that represents a miners’ town in the Wild West.  One agent is a gold miner, and the other agent is the miner’s wife.

As a preview, here is sample output of the interaction between the miner and his wife:

Miner Bob: Walkin' to the goldmine
Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget
Elsa: Makin' the bed
Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget
Elsa: Makin' the bed
Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget
Miner Bob: Ah'm leavin' the goldmine with mah pockets full o' sweet gold
Miner Bob: Goin' to the bank. Yes siree
Miner Bob: Depositing gold. Total savings now: 3
Miner Bob: Leavin' the bank
Miner Bob: Walkin' to the goldmine
Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget
Elsa: Washin' the dishes
Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget
Elsa: Moppin' the floor
Miner Bob: Pickin' up a nugget
Miner Bob: Ah'm leavin' the goldmine with mah pockets full o' sweet gold
Miner Bob: Goin' to the bank. Yes siree
Miner Bob: Depositing gold. Total savings now: 6
Miner Bob: WooHoo! Rich enough for now. Back home to mah li'lle lady
Miner Bob: Leavin' the bank
Miner Bob: Walkin' home
Elsa: Hi honey. Let me make you some of mah fine country stew
Miner Bob: ZZZZ... 
Elsa: Putting the stew in the oven
Elsa: Fussin' over food
Miner Bob: ZZZZ... 
Elsa: Fussin' over food
Elsa: Puttin' the stew on the table
Elsa: StewReady! Lets eat
Miner Bob: All mah fatigue has drained away. Time to find more gold!
Elsa: Time to do some more housework!
Miner Bob: Walkin' to the goldmine

Both the miner and his wife are implemented as separate KMachine definitions. Here is the KMachine definition that represents the miner:

name: miner
input: miner
init: goHomeAndSleepTilRested
  - name: enterMineAndDigForNugget
    onEntry: enterMineAction
    onExit: exitMineAction
  - name: visitBankAndDepositGold
    onEntry: enterBankAction
    onExit: exitBankAction
  - name: goHomeAndSleepTilRested
    onEntry: enterHomeAction
    onExit: exitHomeAction
  - name: quenchThirst
    onEntry: enterSaloonAction
    onExit: exitSaloonAction
  - name: eatStew
    onEntry: startEatingAction
    onExit: finishEatingAction
  - type: stayInMine
    from: enterMineAndDigForNugget
    onTransition: stayInMineAction
  - type: visitBank
    from: enterMineAndDigForNugget
    to: visitBankAndDepositGold
  - type: quenchThirst
    from: enterMineAndDigForNugget
    to: quenchThirst
  - type: goHome
    from: visitBankAndDepositGold
    to: goHomeAndSleepTilRested
  - type: enterMine
    from: visitBankAndDepositGold
    to: enterMineAndDigForNugget
  - type: enterMine
    from: goHomeAndSleepTilRested
    to: enterMineAndDigForNugget
  - type: enterMine
    from: quenchThirst
    to: enterMineAndDigForNugget
  - type: stayHome
    from: goHomeAndSleepTilRested
    onTransition: stayHomeAction
  - type: stewReady
    from: goHomeAndSleepTilRested
    to: eatStew
    onTransition: imComingAction
  - type: finishEating
    from: eatStew
    to: goHomeAndSleepTilRested
  location: shack
  goldCarried: 0
  moneyInBank: 0
  thirst: 0
  fatigue: 0
  enterMineAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      if (data.location != 'goldMine') {
        console.log("Miner " + key + ": Walkin' to the goldmine");
        data.location = 'goldMine';
      ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'stayInMine' }, 0);
  stayInMineAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log("Miner " + key + ": Pickin' up a nugget");
      if (data.goldCarried >= 3) {
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'visitBank' }, 0);
      } else if (data.thirst >= 5) {
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'quenchThirst' }, 0);
      } else {
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'stayInMine' }, 1000);
  exitMineAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log("Miner " + key + ": Ah'm leavin' the goldmine with mah pockets full o' sweet gold");
  enterBankAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log("Miner " + key + ": Goin' to the bank. Yes siree");
      data.location = 'bank';
      data.moneyInBank += data.goldCarried;
      data.goldCarried = 0;
      console.log("Miner " + key + ": Depositing gold. Total savings now: " + data.moneyInBank);
      if (data.moneyInBank >= 5) {
        console.log("Miner " + key + ": WooHoo! Rich enough for now. Back home to mah li'lle lady");
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'goHome' }, 0);
      } else {
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'enterMine' }, 0);
  exitBankAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log("Miner " + key + ": Leavin' the bank");
  enterHomeAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      if (data.location != 'shack') {
        console.log("Miner " + key + ": Walkin' home");
        data.location = 'shack';
        if (data.wife) {
          ctx.sendMessage('miners_wife', data.wife, { type: 'hiHoneyImHome' }, 0);
      ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'stayHome' }, 0);
  stayHomeAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      if (value.wife) {
        data.wife = value.wife;
      if (data.fatigue < 5) {
        console.log("Miner " + key + ": All mah fatigue has drained away. Time to find more gold!");
        data.location = 'shack';
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'enterMine' }, 0);
      } else {
        console.log("Miner " + key + ": ZZZZ... ");
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'stayHome' }, 1000);
  exitHomeAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
  enterSaloonAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      if (data.moneyInBank >= 2) {
        data.thirst = 0;
        data.moneyInBank -= 2;
        console.log("Miner " + key + ": That's mighty fine sippin liquer");
      ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'enterMine' }, 0);
  exitSaloonAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log("Miner " + key + ": Leavin' the saloon, feelin' good");
  imComingAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log("Miner " + key + ": Okay Hun, ahm a comin'!");
  startEatingAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log("Miner " + key + ": Smells Reaaal goood Elsa!");
      console.log("Miner " + key + ": Tastes real good too!");
      ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'finishEating' }, 0);
  finishEatingAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log("Miner " + key + ": Thankya li'lle lady. Ah better get back to whatever ah wuz doin'");

The state transition diagram for the miner, generated using the DOT graph language, is shown below.

Next is the KMachine definition that represents the miner’s wife:

name: minersWife
input: miners_wife
init: doHouseWork
  - name: doHouseWork
    onEntry: startHouseWorkAction
  - name: visitBathroom
    onEntry: enterBathroomAction
    onExit: exitBathroomAction
  - name: cookStew
    onEntry: startCookingAction
    onExit: finishCookingAction
  - type: continueHouseWork
    from: doHouseWork
    onTransition: continueHouseWorkAction
  - type: natureCalls
    from: doHouseWork
    to: visitBathroom
  - type: natureCalls
    from: cookStew
    to: visitBathroom
  - type: continuePrevious
    from: visitBathroom
    to: revertToPreviousState
    toType: Function
  - type: hiHoneyImHome
    from: doHouseWork
    to: cookStew
    onTransition: hiHoneyAction
  - type: hiHoneyImHome
    from: visitBathroom
    to: cookStew
    onTransition: hiHoneyAction
  - type: continueCooking
    from: cookStew
    onTransition: continueCookingAction
  - type: stewReady
    from: cookStew
    to: doHouseWork
    onTransition: letsEatAction
  location: shack
  cooking: false
  startHouseWorkAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log(key + ": Time to do some more housework!");
      ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'continueHouseWork' }, 0);
  continueHouseWorkAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      if (value.husband) {
        data.husband = value.husband;
      switch (Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)) {
        case 0:
          console.log(key + ": Moppin' the floor");
        case 1:
          console.log(key + ": Washin' the dishes");
        case 2:
          console.log(key + ": Makin' the bed");
      if (Math.random() < 0.1) {
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'natureCalls' }, 0);
      } else {
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'continueHouseWork' }, 1000);
  enterBathroomAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log(key + ": Walkin' to the can. Need to powda mah pretty li'lle nose");
      console.log(key + ": Ahhhhhh! Sweet relief!");
      ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'continuePrevious' }, 0);
  exitBathroomAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log(key + ": Leavin' the Jon");
  revertToPreviousState: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      return data.cooking ? 'cookStew' : 'doHouseWork'
  hiHoneyAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log(key + ": Hi honey. Let me make you some of mah fine country stew");
  startCookingAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      if (!data.cooking) {
        console.log(key + ": Putting the stew in the oven");
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'stewReady' }, 2000);
        data.cooking = true;
      ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'continueCooking' }, 0);
  continueCookingAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log(key + ": Fussin' over food");
      if (Math.random() < 0.1) {
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'natureCalls' }, 0);
      } else {
        ctx.sendMessage(ctx.topic(), key, { type: 'continueCooking' }, 1000);
  finishCookingAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log(key + ": Puttin' the stew on the table");
  letsEatAction: >-
    (ctx, key, value, data) => {
      console.log(key + ": StewReady! Lets eat");
      if (data.husband) {
        ctx.sendMessage('miner', data.husband, { type: 'stewReady' }, 0);
      data.cooking = false;

The state transition diagram for the miner’s wife is shown below.

Each KMachine definition, for both the miner and his wife, is entirely contained in the YAML above. A KMachine definition describes an FSM as follows:

  • name – The id of the definition for the FSM.
  • input – The input topic.
  • init – The initial state of the FSM.
  • states – The states of the FSM.  Each state can have the following:
    • name – The name of the state.
    • onEntry – The function to invoke on entry to the state.
    • onExit – The function to invoke on exit of the state.
  • transitions – The state transitions.  Each transition can have the following:
    • type – The event type that triggers the transition.
    • from – The source state.
    • to – The destination, which can be
      • The name of the destination state.
      • The function to determine the destination state.
      • null, which represents an internal state transition, where the state does not change, the onEntry or onExit functions are not invoked, but the guard and onTransition functions are invoked.
    • toType – Either “State” or “Function”.
    • guard – A boolean function to indicate whether the transition should occur.
    • onTransition – The function to invoke on transition.
  • data – A set of key-value pairs that represent the internal data for the FSM.
  • functions – A set of JavaScript functions that can be attached to states and transitions.  Each function takes the following parameters:
    • ctx – A context object that provides the following methods:
      • topic() – The input topic.
      • sendMessage() – Sends a message to a topic.
    • key – The key of the event, as a JSON message.
    • value – The value of the event, as a JSON message.  The value is expected to have a property named “type” to trigger state transitions.
    • data – The local data, which can be mutated.

To see the miner and his wife in action, you’ll first need to start a local instance of Kafka. Then create two topics, one for the miner and one for his wife.

./bin/kafka-topics --create --topic miner --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
./bin/kafka-topics --create --topic miners_wife --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Next, clone the project at https://github.com/rayokota/kmachines and start up the web application.

git clone https://github.com/rayokota/kmachines.git
cd kmachines
mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn -pl kmachines-rest-app compile quarkus:dev -Dquarkus.http.port=8081

In a separate window, create the KMachine definitions for the miner and his wife.

cd kmachines
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/yaml" --data-binary @kmachines-rest-app/src/test/resources/miner_messaging.yml "http://localhost:8081/kmachines"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/yaml" --data-binary @kmachines-rest-app/src/test/resources/miners_wife_messaging.yml "http://localhost:8081/kmachines"

Now produce an event to create a KMachine instance for a miner named “Bob”, and another event to create a KMachine instance for his wife named “Elsa”. This can be done with kafkacat, for example. Events are represented as a pair of JSON messages for the key and value. The key corresponds to a unique KMachine instance, while the value is the message used to trigger state transitions, which must have a “type” property to indicate the event type. In the command below, a dot (.) is used to separate the key from the value (using the -K option of kafkacat).

echo '"Bob".{ "type": "stayHome", "wife": "Elsa" }' | kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -K . -P -t miner
echo '"Elsa".{ "type": "continueHouseWork", "husband": "Bob" }' | kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -K . -P -t miners_wife

You should see the miner and his wife interacting as above. You can query the state of the FSM for the miner or the wife at any time.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8081/kmachines/miner/state --data '"Bob"'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8081/kmachines/minersWife/state --data '"Elsa"'

To stop the agents, run the following commands.

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/kmachines/minersWife" 
curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8081/kmachines/miner" 

That’s it!

The Enterprise is Made of Events, Not Things